The Stag and the Owl

 Visual screenplay links : ENGLISH / FRENCH

A very short screenplay, 4 minutes duration.

Genre: Tale.

A story in the style of Jean de La Fontaine or Charles Perrault.

Western screenplay: Click here.


  1. Too cute @WE. It feels like an animation. What inspired you to write about an owl and a stag?

    1. Hi GB. When AI video generation will be a bit better, that could be made.

      Inspiration is blurry. I posted a short post with the two ones and the concept (nest on the head), and 4 dialog lines with Owl doing "hoo hoo". It was funny, so I just took that and asking myself what could be the following.

      You know, it's a bit like Alien Surgeon: We had few ideas on BOD, and later I could build an episode (and a bit of global kdrama structure).

      I've read a bit about life of Owls and Stags and used it. Also, fables of Jean de la Fontaine are famous in my country, like "the crow and the fox", you read that as kid.

      There is a plot-hole, Owls nest at spring, so one of the line. Maybe this Owl has a greater reason to nest in autumn, what is the time of Stags. I've seen a video about violent fights, and sometimes Stags kill the rival (what is not fully intentionnal, just their antlers are dangerous), or they both die because their antlers are stuck and they are unable to unstuck them.

      Other plot-hole, Stags have many fights and mate many does. But let say this one is romantic and is ok with one doe.

      I need to post-analys to make sens of the story.
      First, it's anti-natural and shouldn't be. The stag should fight like others, it's not fair he conquers a doe without it. But there is greater purpose. It shows this stag has a sens of responsability and can't destroy life and Owl eggs just to get what he want. And the Owl nest at the wrong time because responsability too, to prevent the stag to kill. Owl is often related to wisdom, and stag symbolism of renewal.

      This Owl understand this stag isn't a killer (else, he would destroy Owl eggs to fight), so the Owl helps the stag to avoid to do something he would regret (kill another stag). We can see that as a thank you, or just to respect the stag needs, of course, the Owl finally helps him to meet the doe.

      There is also a little thematic maybe: if someone is really stronger, does it needs to use this strengh when there is no need to prove it. With a fight or without a fight, this stag deserves the doe.

  2. Hey, what a really neat story. It's neat how the stag and the owl rely upon one another. The setting you describe is quite beautiful. Cheers!
